Saturday 25 February 2012

Sorry , I forgot . You don't need me anymore :'D

hello my lovely boggie ,
I come and meet you agian .
got a few days didn't find you , chat :D

blog ?
I got so many problems .
haih .

Im so sad when Langga use Era's phone
then she send a text ''ak benci kau''
to me .
even thought she just kidding ,
but she really really really make
my heart broken , hurts .
why ?
you look like wanna ''uji'' me baa .
I trust you , and I treat you like my best friend .
but now look ain't :'(
you knows ,
so please , Im open minded , but Im sensitive .
sorry :(

exam is coming :(
oh my ghost !
this 6March exam liao lurr ,
not fair lur , so fast !
exam bab 1-2 only ,
takut essay baaaaa .
must study hard la this .

then ,
i wanna say ,
nothing special in my life .
yeah :(

bloggie , me always annoy you and tell you nonsense .
But if i don't tell you i don't know i should tell who ?
here I wanna ask you , boggie ?
how to be strong ?
how to be don't so care ?
sorry my pillow :'(
I can't ! I really really can't !
when I remembered the things that annoyed me ,
I can't stop to crying , to madly and don't think too much .
sometimes crying can make me feel better ,
my pillow always wet , hahaharr :)
sometimes feel like crying for no reason also good baa , haha .

last night on the phone with my old friend ,
I tell him the truth , I tell him how I feel .
I wanna cry that time , but I don't
want he know that I still care too much
and think too much .
and suddenly he crying when I share my feeling with him .
sometimes he's my good listener , yeah :)
but sometimes not :(

Im so regret what I did ,
now i realize that Im so stupid girl .
I should not make decisions without thinking carefully ,
see ! now Im so regret :(
nevermind laaa :(
I just wanna say with God ,
thanks God !
to write a romantic story for me .
so God ,
let other friend treat he well ,
he so lonely boy ,
and nobody cares about him ,
I hope got somebody to care and make he more happy .
I really really wish the best for him .
 Im sorry what I did to you before this :(
but I just want do something the best for us ,
but never knew this will happened with us .
I know you hate me , yeah !
I know you still can't pardon me .
I know you need a little time .
but please , you s never knew the truth ,
thing you never knew , dear :(
I wish you knew , but you'd never understand .
it's okay , I don't mind .
I can see now you're really happy to be with yourself .
to be forever alone , without me to take care of you .
to make you laughing and hangouts with you .
I also can feel now that you're not thinking of me ,
caring about me , and don't want see my ''face liar''
i know !
till now I still consider you're my friend .
even you hate me :(
still remember the first time you meet me and said ''hello'' with me ?
still remember how sweet we intro ourselves each other ?
no shy to intro ourselves , and we make a new friendship .
so sweet that time . but now ? hell yeah :(
I still remember the first time we hangouts together ,
go watching breakin' down together ,
and that song really2 make me feel that Im fall in love (in dreams) haha .
for a thousand year (song) aiseh !
I feel so better and feel so open minded when talking and laughing with you .
I like your friendly and open minded attitude .

okay ,
stop talking about you .
i know you don't like .
listen ! I still read our chatting .
and sometimes it make me laughing and sometimes
it make me feel sad .
but I still have to say , thanks !
to teach me how to be a stronger now  .
you let me crying so badly when i leave you and you'll
never come back for me .
you make me feel that nobody will friend , love and
care me like you do .
you're the best , even sometimes you're very show off one .
thanks :)

I wish nobody can love you
like I do .
nobody can wait you so long
like I do .
nobody can treat you well when you sick
like I do .
and i wish , you'll never meet someone who hurt you
so deep like I do .
deeply :D

I know you never come back for me ,
but I still waiting .
waiting for make a new friendship and
forgt all about ''our bad memories'' .
God bless you .

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